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has to be paid to. have to such a and the most by be .in ,as far as the is of to our . the last but not the least.as is in the last of the also all the above .we can draw the .在本段的第一段,作者强调我们必须充分重视(中心词)。几个主要原因促成了这一趋势。首先,在被人们确定的最有力的原因中,有一点原因应该得到重视,那就是(分论点一)。其次,作者认为(分论点二)对我们的社会意义重大。最后,正如本文末段所示,作者也考虑到(分论点三)因素。综上所述所有论证,我们可以得出结论:(中心词)确实重要。


in the of the essay, the to the idea that we to the issue of_. lt is no easy task to find the for this which . to begin past have a - been from all over the world

, the the deep- by the fact of great to the of our ,it is vital for us to from the last that tis also a key to this issue.



the has a - which is pr出现恶意脚本ent all over the .there are a of for the .above all, the that as a of of have the most vital cause , it is the ‘s view that there are good to the long run.other the and .with due of the above we may draw a in this .

这篇令人印象深刻的论文敏锐地反映了一种全球盛行的发人深省的社会现象:(中心词)。这个重要问题有很多原因。首先,作者认为事实上,在历史,不同文化的人们度一直把(分论点一)当做最重要的原因。此外,作者认为从长远来看,我们有理由推广 (分论点二)。其他原因包括 (分论点三) 的支持和推动作用。充分考虑到上述分析,我们可以得出结论: (中心词) 在当今社会确实重要。


with the and ,__has been

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, from three .first and ,the main is the ever- and power and by in ,a solid of for such a has been laid by.the last but not the that we take kinds of into . ,it is for us to the of vital to us.

随着社会和经济的迅速发展, (中心词)迅猛发展。这一问题的原因较 为复杂,涉及诸多因素,主要来自三个方面。首先,主要原因是(分论点一)所发挥的不断增强的协调和控制作用。其次,(分论点二)为这一势奠定了坚实的基础。最后,作者认为我们应该考虑各种现实因素。总而言之,我们必须提高人们的意识: (中心词)对我们至关重要。
